Jobs & career
Our careers pages tell you all about job opportunities and career prospects within a fascinating company......
Corporate culture
Our young corporate culture is characterized by flat organization structures, ensuring open and solution oriented communication across all levels. Our management style is target and results oriented, while providing a degree of entrepreneurial freedom to every employee. Moreover, our open door and open information policy directly involve our people in Giannia Group's activities.
As a global corporation, it is necessary to think and communicate across language and geographical barriers, and to orient our strategies accordingly. However, as we endeavor to succeed in each of our markets, we aim to be flexible enough to adapt our global strategy to the local market conditions.
Our business model calls for close relationships with our customers and the local market conditions. To reflect this, we think globally and act locally. Therefore, our operational staff is usually recruited from the individual countries and regions in which we operate. Due to their close contacts with our customers, they are highly familiar with individual client needs and concerns, and are conversant with the different cultures characterizing the various individual markets. This close interaction with our customers and the environment in which they operate is vital for our long term success.
As a service provider, the motivation, entrepreneurial attitude and qualifications of our staff is the foundation for the present and future success of our corporation. As our managers participate in our successes via performance based cash and equity incentive programs, we are creating an incentive for our staff to take initiative and assume responsibility.
Our ongoing staff training forms the core of our human resources policy: individual training requirements are determined and implemented through regular evaluation and development reviews.
Do you need more information?
If you have further questions please do not hesitate to contact us directly!
We look forward to hearing from you!
Human Resources Hong Kong (Head Quarter)
Giannia Group LV Limited
607 Yen Sheng Centre
64 Hoi Yuen Road
Kwun Tong,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 3142 9460
Fax: +852 3017 7116
Email: admin@gianniagrouplv.com