DIY Vintage Vases
Loose parts for children with diverse abilities
Why physical play must be part of the formula when kids head back to school
Cultural diversity in the early years
With a mind for maths
The power of a smile
Do we know we are cared for? 了解更多
快樂小學 試行回家「零功課」
功課太多令莘莘學子壓力爆煲,更直接影響親子關係,隨時令家中客廳變「戰場」。近日不少學校相繼「覺悟」,想辦法減輕學生將功課帶回家的壓力,有小學提倡功課即堂完成,或將功課輔導編入下午課節,讓學生回家「零功課」,校長更以「三贏」形容新變革。 了解更多